

1-1 interviews with bootstrapped founders, news, and informative articles delivered to your inbox weekly.

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What is the aim?

In a world where tech blogs often spotlight VC-funded software companies,
the stories of SaaS bootstrappers remain in the shadows in most cases.

This narrative leads many to believe that venture capital is the sole path to building a successful company.

Yet, there’s a different story to be told.

Many companies have embarked on a journey of self-reliance, bootstrapping their way to success.

And this platform aims to bring these diverse bootstrapper stories to you.

A bit about myself:

I’m Leo, and for the past seven years, I’ve been deeply involved with B2B companies.

In this journey, I’ve had the privilege of working alongside some remarkable bootstrapped founders.

Their stories are a wellspring of inspiration, and I am eager to share these narratives to encourage and guide others.

Quick Note:

“This platform does not oppose companies receiving VC-funding at any stage of their development.
Our goal is to highlight there are alternative ways to start a business, such as bootstrapping.”

Recent Issues


Onur is the founder of an AI powered automation tool that helps you to create your personalized sequences with one click.

In this interview, he shared how he started his business by bootstrapping and then accepted a VC money.


Lukas started his project while he was working full time and decided to focus on StageTimer when he reached €5.000MRR.

In this interview he shared his journey in a full-transparent way and also the methods they applied.

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